2x Olympic Gold Medalist, Natasha Hastings, and Olympian Mechelle Lewis Freeman collaborate to use their track and field experience to empower teens as they kick off their 2018 Camp Tour in Johannesburg on March 3rd and in Cape Town on March 10.

JOHANNESBURG, South Africa –
Jan. 25, 2018 –
PRLog — Hastings’ Tea Time with Tasha program aims to inspire teenage girls to achieve and maintain a standard of excellence, while Freeman’s TrackGirlz program gives access to industry leaders that encourage girls to develop high-level performance on and off the track. The camp will be open to boys as well and feature additional Olympic athletes and coaches such as Sharrieffa Barksdale, an Olympian, and USA Track & Field Alumni Manager. “I want to give the teenagers a unique experience where they can be physically active, as well as find a safe place to have intimate conversations on subjects such as body image, beauty secrets, bullying, and their ability to have a strong voice and social impact,” says Hastings.
Thanks to the partnership with the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education and the Africa Children’s Hope Foundation, TrackGirlz received a grant towards the underwriting of their camps while in South Africa. “We are truly grateful that such a prestige organization as the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education recognized the need for our program,” says Mechelle Lewis Freeman. Inspired by Nelson Mandela’s life, Mechelle and Natasha wanted to visit the anti-apartheid revolutionary’s home country to support the vision he had to uplift children whose lives started at a socio-economic disadvantage.
Additional sponsors include Under Armour, Westin Cape Town, and African Pride Melrose Arch Hotel. Additional stops in the U.S. will be released next month.
For more information please contact sschirru@dynamicallybpr.com.
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